Welcome to this place and stuff.
Type 'list' for a...well a list of commands.
For some fun, type 'style change' and see what happens.(just type it again to undo)
Type 'man contact' to see how to contact me (man is the command for manual)
Incoming transmission...
Are you trying to decide between Firebase and Amplify for your BaaS?
Confused about whether to go with the Google Suite or MS Office when it comes to SaaS?
How in the world do you pick the right IaaS?
You still talk about hustling like it's healthy.
You like to say you're still like a startup.
gib me da money
Contact us for pricing
Literally, we have enemies and we have to annihilate them.
Success hurts. If you're not hurting, you're the opposite of success.
SO important...like so much.